AWHE IR Application

Why Become an Institutional Representative?

Our Institutional Representatives (IR) are vital in achieving the mission of Arizona Women in Higher Education. We work together each year to create a top quality conference that brings women in higher education together to discuss important issues and create connections. Together, we make lasting change!

Serving as an IR provides wonderful professional development opportunity, as well as a unique way to serve your institution on a state-wide level. IRs develop lasting relationships, as well as leadership skills vital in the workplace.

2019 Board & IRs

IR Responsibilities

The Institutional Representative serves an important role in the statewide network. IRs commit to the following responsibilities:

  1. Be a member of Arizona Women In Higher Education.
  2. Serve a two year appointment with an option for reappointment. Each IR appointment must be confirmed by Executive Leadership from their institution. If for any reason an IR cannot complete her term, they will notify the State Co-Chairs.
  3. A financial commitment due at the beginning each term year as an IR of $250.00 , which will cover your registration fee for the next year’s conference. This is a discounted rate for IRs.
  4. Serve as their institution’s official representative to the Arizona Women in Higher Education network. This includes the following responsibilities:
    • Relaying communication between AWHE and women on their campuses
    • Establishing, when appropriate, linkages with other campus programs focusing on women.
    • Finding ways to bring women together on their campus for support and assistance.
  5. Participate in AWHE sponsored meetings and events. Active participation as an IR means attending a majority of meetings, including at least one IR Retreat per year; attending monthly conference planning calls; and attending/volunteering at the annual conference.
  6. Serve on the Annual Conference planning team. This includes logistical arrangements, marketing, registration, workshops, networking events, and evaluation. Attending and volunteering at the annual conference is a required part of an IR’s responsibilities.
  7. Serve as a committee chair as needed and approved by the Executive Board and/or the State Co-Chairs.
  8. Assist the Executive Board in developing plans and implementing programs and activities generated by the Board.

Submit the IR Application

Thank you for your interested in becoming an IR.

The application form for the 2024-2026 Institutional Representative term will be available April 12, 2024.

Important Application Dates

  1. Applications available: April 12, 2024
  2. Applications due: May 10, 2024
  3. Applications reviewed and individuals contacted with acceptance: June 2024
  4. First meeting for 2024-25 year: July 2024
  5. Attend the annual conference: TBD April 2025

Please email if you have questions about the application or expectations of becoming an IR.